From the sprawling metropolis of Goldenrod City to the icy peak of Snowtop Mountain, the Johto region presents Ash, Misty, and Brock with exciting new adventures—along with a few familiar faces like their old friends Todd, Duplica, and Suzie! Johto’s rich past means plenty of Pokémon mysteries for our heroes to solve, and its exciting present means some tough challenges—Ash tackles three more Gyms, while handling competitions like the Pokémon Sumo Conference along the way
Series Info
📰 Title : Pokémon: Johto League Champions 🍂 Season : 04 📺 Type : TVSeries (1999) 📆 Release Date : 2000 (in Hindi 2004 CN, 2015 – Hungama TV) ⏰ Runtime : ~23 min 🌐 Network : VootKids 🎭 Genres : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 🏢 Companies : The Pokémon Company 📚 Content Rating : TV-Y7 ✨ IMDb Rating : 7.5/10.0 🆔 IMDb ID : tt0168366 🍀 Quality : 480p 🎧 Audio : Hindi – English [Org. VootKids Audio] 💳 Credits : VivekDarji 🖥️ Screenshots:Click Here
Episode 1 - A Goldenrod Opportunity
Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City! Looking to challenge the city’s Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day.
Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle’s Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokémon.
Before leaving Goldenrod City, the flamboyant producer of Poké Talk Radio insists Ash appear on Sunny Morningstar’s show to talk about winning the Plane badge. After the interview, the gang saves the day by participating in a live radio drama with the Dugtrio Trio (Team Rocket in disguise!) Be sure to watch the twists and turns of the live performance as our heroes battle Team Rocket on the airwaves!
En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pokémon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita.
Trying to reach Ecruteak City our heroes are stopped in their tracks, unable to cross a bridge-less river. As they walk the bank, they see an old fisherman and strike a bargain, a ferry-ride across the river in exchange for an elusive Sudowoodo!
Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pokémon fossils.
Just outside of Ecruteak City, our heroes see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. With Brock carrying the wounded Pidgey, the gang enters Ecruteak City in hopes of finding its trainer.
Caught in a sudden thunderstorm, our heroes quickly seek shelter from the elements at an ominous looking castle on a nearby cliff. Although this seemingly vacant fortress is a little on the spooky side, Ash, Misty and Brock would rather be jumpy than soggy.
Arriving at a beautiful hot springs, Ash, Misty and Brock decide they and their Pokémon need to take a much needed break from their journey. As Ash and the Pokémon hit a beach ball around, Totodile, Chikorita and Cyndaquil play a little too rough.
As our heroes take a break at a shady stream, Misty’s Poliwhirl is attacked by a Poliwrath! Poliwrath’s trainer pokes fun at Misty’s Pokémon and won’t stick around to battle when she challenges him to a match.
Brock checks his e-mail at a local Pokémon Center and finds Suzy, the Pokémon breeder who gave Brock Vulpix, has contacted him regarding a Pokémon beauty contest. She is looking for a Pokémon to enter the contest with and Brock agrees to return her Vulpix.
Binging on too many burgers during lunch has given Ash a case of indigestion that stops him in his tracks. Unable to help their friend, Misty and Brock contemplate what to do until a miniature, seemingly magical, man shows up.
When a blackout hits a town on the road to Ecruteak City, our heroes realize it puts the Pokémon in the local Pokécenter in jeopardy. Wanting to help nurse Joy and the ailing Pokémon, the gang takes on the task of finding out what went haywire at the power plant.
Enjoying a beautiful day hiking through the mountains on the road to Ecruteak City, Ash and Pikachu chase after a Ledian that speeds by them. As they pursue it along the trail, they round a bend and get hit full-blast by a Gust from Pidgeotto!
Breaking for lunch at a spot in the forest, our heroes notice a nearby Wobbuffet and begin to look around for it’s cohorts, Team Rocket! Although there’s no sign of Team Rocket, everywhere they look there are more Wobbuffet popping up.
Stopping off at a Pokécenter, the gang looks around for Nurse Joy. Suddenly she appears with Chansey, but makes the confusing statement Nurse Joy is seeing a patient.
As our heroes take a brief rest near a river, Ash sees a Snubbull rush by on the opposite bank. This wasn’t just any Snubbull either, this one was Madame Muchmoney’s!
Ash, Pikachu and Brock take a break by the lake while Misty heads deeper into the forest with Togepi. As Misty picks the local flora, Togepi wanders over to a very strange looking bush, it appears to have legs…spider legs!
Catching a sweet scent on the breeze, Ash and Pikachu follow their noses to a nearby apple orchard. As Misty and Brock follow, they warn the trainer and his Pokémon against eating apples that don’t belong to them.
When Team Rocket attacks our heroes as they travel through a mountain pass, Weezing’s Smoke Screen attack separates Togepi and Misty. Togepi wanders away as Misty, Ash and Brock try to locate the pint-sized Pokémon.
Arriving in Ecruteak, Ash immediately heads to the Gym to challenge it’s leader for his next Johto League badge. Our heroes soon realize this isn’t a normal gym…
Anxious to acquire the next Johto League badge, Ash challenges Ecruteak City’s Gym Leader, Morty. However, Ash has seen Morty’s Ghost-type Pokémon in action and is a little worried about battle strategies.
Enjoying a quick snack at a local cafe, Misty notices a poster featuring a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. As she tells Ash and Brock she’s always wanted to attend one, a young Trainer named Sakura walks in.
On their way to Olivine City, Brock and Misty break for lunch while Ash polishes his Johto League badges. As he shines each one, he sets them on the tree stump in front of him.
On the dry and dusty road to Olivine City, our heroes notice beautiful lights shining in the sky ahead of them. Realizing they are coming from just above the dried up lake on Remoraid Mountain, they run to the Remoraidian Ruins.
As our heroes pass through a dense forest, Brock explains that there are some pretty scary Pokémon hang out in this neck of the woods. Searching for a safer place to sleep than the forest floor, the gang find an abandoned shack and settle in for a good night’s sleep.
On their way to Olivine City, our heroes run into their old friend and shutterbug, Todd! As Todd and our friends catch up, a frozen Sunkern falls from the sky.
As Todd and our heroes take a lunch break on a rocky mountain top, a Swinub rushes at them from a nearby crevasse. Misty is startled and drops her lunch.
On their way to Olivine City, our heroes pass through a dangerous looking canyon full of unstable boulders. When the rocks begin to give way in an avalanche-like fury, a few fiery Pokémon rush to the rescue.
Knowing our heroes are still en-route to Olivine, Team Rocket lies in wait. Dressed as scientists, they explain they’ve just repaired the amazing Poké Pod.
The morning sun shines brightly upon our heroes and their Pokémon after spending the night next to a sparkling stream. Ash and his Pokémon wash up for breakfast and notice Brock kneeling over a pot of porridge on the campfire.
As Ash and company pass through an intriguing little village, they notice a Feraligatr in the midst of a battle. Drawing closer, they see the Feraligatr defeat one opponent after another, but it never seems to tire!
On the long trek to Olivine City, our heroes notice Pikachu looks a bit worn out. Brock suggests it’s the trudging along this trail that has taken a toll.
As our heroes and their Pokémon enjoy another fine meal prepared by Brock, Golbat begins to act strangely and flies away. Brock, Ash and Misty chase after the Flying-type and end up at an archaeological dig.
At the end of a long day, our heroes search for a Pokémon Center in a small town near Olivine City. Unable to locate one they ask a local lady for directions.
Taking a rest from their exhausting expedition, our heroes settle down in a small field near a stream to enjoy a mid-day meal. Ash releases his Pokémon from their Poké Balls so they too can enjoy a well deserved break.
When our heroes stumble upon a one-day street performance, they get to see all types of Pokémon with unique skills. Anxious to know the future, Misty volunteers to have her fortune read by Natu.
Strolling through downtown, our heroes notice a mob of girls chasing someone down. Suddenly, a man in a black cape and hat runs up to Ash and gives him a package to hold.
Our heroes are camped out by a lake where Ash wakes up one morning and sees a Rhydon emerging from the water. A swimming Rock-type Pokémon seems impossible, but one of the local Rhydon has indeed learned to use Surf—and a girl named Pietra is out to catch it!
Ash and his friends stop at an air station to get a closer look at the Leviathan 2, a luxury dirigible taking passengers on a flight around the world. The ship has landed to refuel and the crew needs medical assistance for some passengers’ Pokémon, so Brock volunteers to help.
The Nurse Joy at Lake Lucid’s Pokémon Center is famous among Water-type Pokémon Trainers, so Misty is thrilled when our heroes’ travels take them to the lake. Lake Lucid’s Nurse Joy is the third generation of Nurse Joys who have turned Lake Lucid from a toxic pool to a crystal-clear lake where Water-type Pokémon come to rest and recuperate, and she’s one of Misty’s long-time heroes.
The way to Olivine City and Ash’s next Gym challenge lies across a desert of sand and rock. Just as Ash and his friends start to cross it, Team Rocket ambushes them and scoops up Pikachu.
Our heroes reach Olivine City and make a beeline for the Gym, where Gym Leader Jasmine accepts Ash’s challenge. Jasmine sends out a gleaming Onix that easily defeats Ash’s Totodile, even though Onix should be vulnerable to Totodile’s Water-type attacks.
Ash and his friends are in Cianwood City with Janina, an apprentice at the Olivine Gym. Janina picks up medicine for Olivine Gym Leader Jasmine’s ailing Ampharos and returns to Olivine while Ash plans to challenge the Cianwood Gym.