The life of Gumball Watterson, a 12-year old cat who attends middle school in Elmore. Accompanied by his pet, adoptive brother, and best friend Darwin Watterson, he frequently finds himself involved in various shenanigans around the city, during which he interacts with various family members: Anais, Richard, and Nicole Watterson, and other various citizens
Series Info
📰 Title : The Amazing World of Gumball 🍂 Season : 1 📺 Type : TVSeries (2011) 📆 Release Date : May 2, 2011 ⏰ Runtime : ~23 min 🌐 Network : Cartoon Network 🎭 Genres : Animation, Comedy, Family 🏢 Companies : CN Studios 📚 Content Rating : PG ✨ IMDb Rating : 8.2/10.0 🆔 IMDb ID : tt1942683 🍀 Quality : 480p | TV-DL 🎧 Audio : Hindi – Tamil – Telugu 💬 Subtitles : English 🖥️ Screenshots:Click Here
Episode 7 - The Quest
Gumball and Darwin help Anais get her beloved doll back after it is lost on the way to school.
Gumball and Darwin go to great lengths to get their money back from an incompatible video game, but the rental store’s policy prevents them from getting it.
Gumball decides to help Bobert act like a real boy. However, it soon becomes a battle for his very identity when the robot plots to take over his life.
Richard believes there’s a ghost in the attic but is actually Mr. Robinson who Gumball moved up there after entering a catatonic state due to being kicked out by his wife. Gumball and Darwin work on trying to restore Mr. Robinson whilst Richard, unaware of this, sets traps for the ghost.
Gumball and Darwin want to become adults, Richard wants to lose weight. After accidentally having their cereal switched with supplements Richard ordered, Gumball, Darwin and Anais find themselves having very unusual growth spurts.