An anime based on CAPCOM’s legendary Sengoku period game: ONIMUSHA. The adaptation will have famed director Takashi Miike as the chief director of the series at animation studio Sublimation, while Shinya Sugai is directing the series. The anime will use the late prolific actor Toshiro Mifune as a model for the character Miyamoto Musashi.
Series Info
📰 Title : Onimusha 🍂 Season : 1 📺 Type : TVSeries (2023) 📆 Release Date : 2 November, 2023 ⏰ Runtime : ~28 min 🌐 Network : Crunchyroll 🎭 Genres : Action, Supernatural 🏢 Companies : Netflix 📚 Content Rating : PG-13 – Teens 13 or older ✨ MAL Rating : 5.4 🆔 MAL ID : 53150 🍀 Quality : 1080p | 720p | 480p 🎧 Audio : Japanese – English – Hindi 💬 Subtitles : English 🖥️ Trailer :Click Here
Episode 1 - Demon
Musashi Miyamoto receives the Oni Gauntlet for 33 days — along with a reluctant chaperone to watch over the precious item.
The men arrive at the mountain temple and are confronted by three masked figures. While Musashi fights them, Kaizen, Sahei and Heikuro try to save Sayo.